Friday, June 27, 2008


Ready, Get Set, Go 1st July!

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Thursday, June 26, 2008


Teaser 2: Unleash the Champion! July 1, 2008

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Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Unleash the Champion! July 1 2008.

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Sunday, June 22, 2008


Mr. Pasquale Kobayashi voted as the "5th Most Well-Liked Boss Among Network Business Companies in Japan" by readers of Network Business Magazine

Prestigious voting re-affirms that Japan's GM is a valuable asset not only to the company, but also to the industry as a whole

SkyQuestCom's Japan general manager, Mr. Pasquale Kobayashi captured one of Network Marketing's top honours by being voted as the fifth most well-liked boss among leading Japanese network business companies. These companies include international household names such as Tahitian Noni, Naturally Plus, Mannatech and Agel.

Readers of Japan's premier Network Marketing magazine - Network Business, voted Mr. Kobayashi in recognition of his leadership, experience, dedication, ethics and the ability to make a positive difference to the industry and in the lives of his staff.

"PK-san", as he is affectionately called by staff and product distributors, is well-known for his expertise in the field. With close to 30 years of marketing experience in IT and MLM in Japan, PK-san has a proven record of success in growing various businesses, and SkyQuestCom is one of them.

For the man whose passion is to bring greater success to SkyQuestCom by "offering THE BEST online training materials to the global market", we are proud to say that PK-san is truly well-deserving of this prestigious voting!

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Sunday, June 15, 2008


SkyQuestCom's Success Blog: Learn how to become a better speaker!

Being able to speak well in public virtually guarantees your career and personal success. Every time you speak in front of an audience, you must be able to radiate confidence and create an impact. If you do, you’ll win them over! In this article, Gerald Green – Asia ’s top public speaking coach, shares 5 powerful principles based on the acronym M.A.G.I.C that will help you to sell yourself and your ideas even if you’ve never sold a single thing before.

M – Myth. There’s no such thing as a born speaker. Anyone can be a good speaker. All it takes is a strong desire to be a good speaker and the actions you take to become one.

A– Audience. Remember, speaking is like fishing; you bait the book with what the fish likes, not what you like! So talk in terms of your audience’s interests because that’s what they are here for.

G– Be Genuine. Be sincere. Be yourself. Don’t try to be somebody else. You can emulate, but not imitate good speakers. Adapt their skills and mannerisms, but don’t adopt everything.

I– Be Interesting. It’s a cardinal sin to be uninteresting. Grab your audience’s interest with an unusual story, provocative question, or a famous quote that relates to everyone.

C – Clarity. Always be clear. Keep it simple. Don’t use bombastic words. Can you imagine at the end of the day if somebody comes up and says, “Ladies and gentlemen, it is customary to extinguish all the illumination before you vacate the premises.” To put things simply, the person could have said, “'Please turn off the lights when we leave this room.”

In “Speak with Confidence”, Gerald will teach you more techniques to conquer your fear of public speaking. Learn how to avoid embarrassing presentation mistakes and come up with great, confident openings and effective closings. More importantly, you’ll be able to pack more power in your presentations to create maximum impact and hold your audience spellbound. Would you like to learn how?

Here’s a preview of what you’ll discover:

  1. How to create an impact and get a response

  2. Simple yet powerful techniques to conquer your fear of public speaking

  3. How to come up with great openings and effective closings

  4. How to read your audience and think on your feet

  5. And much, much more!

Visit to watch a video clip of Gerald Green's seminar and learn how to speak with greater confidence at your next presentation!

With over 200,000 subscribers around the world, SkyQuestCom is Asia's largest multimedia e-learning company. SkyQuestCom offers online video seminars of the world's best personal development experts and business gurus including Anthony Robbins (Unleash The Power Within), Robert Kiyosaki (Rich Dad, Poor Dad), Brian Tracy (The Psychology of Selling), T. Harv Eker (Secrets of the Millionaire Mind), John Gray (Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus), Jay Abraham (Getting Everything You Can Out of All You've Got), Bill Gates (Microsoft), Warren Buffett (Forbes' "Richest Person in the World") and many more. To learn more about SkyQuestCom, visit

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Thursday, June 05, 2008


In Conversation with Jerry Clark: Powerful mindsets that enhance the quality of your life

Jerry Clark is the perfect example of a rags-to-riches success story. From being born in a dingy garage in 1968 to becoming a self-made millionaire while still in his 20s, Jerry today conducts personal and professional development seminars around the world. Recognising the changes that occur at the individual level, Jerry commits to training others how to improve themselves by teaching peak performance strategies that get results. SkyQuestCom recently interviewed the Club Rhino founder and producer to over 100 empowering audio programmes on his take on success.

(The following conversation is an excerpt from our video interview with Jerry Clark. To watch a clip of the interview, visit

SKYQUESTCOM: You mentioned that you have achieved great levels of success. What were the keys to your success?

JERRY: Number 1 is I got started. In other words, I really plugged into the business. You know, once it was time for me to plug in, I decided I was going to use this vehicle as something that was going to allow me to create the results that I was seeking.

Number 2 is I got plugged into the process. In other words, I did what other successful people in the business were doing. They told me, “Jerry, if you want to be successful, you have to do this, that and the other.” And I said, “Ok, if I got to do this, that and the other, that’s going to be able to allow me to create the results that I want, then I’m willing to do that!”

And I was even more willing to do it because I thought they were doing it. In other words, they had created the results that I was seeking. So if they were willing to teach me and you know, I had an open mind and I was willing to learn, then that really made all the difference. So I got plugged in to the process.

Number 3, I just didn’t quit! There were times when I wanted to quit. There were times when things were going horrible; I wasn’t getting the results I thought I should get. And I really wanted to quit. I wanted to quit more than one time. But I just didn’t do that, I kept plugging in. I kept learning, I kept growing, I kept moving forward, and I believe that was the reason why I was really able to create some type of result because of those three things right there.

SKYQUESTCOM: You mentioned that many people can achieve success because you’ve done it yourself. But why is it that most people don’t achieve success?

JERRY: You know it’s an interesting thing. If everyone can do it, why isn’t everyone doing it? It’s a very interesting thing because a lot of people aren’t doing what they could be doing simply because they don’t believe they can be doing it. So even if they can do it, they don’t believe they can do it. And the belief that they can’t do it is enough to get them not to do it! And so a lot of people don’t believe that there’s greatness in them. They don’t believe that they can unleash it. They don’t believe that they can bring it out. They don’t believe that anyone would want the value that they have to offer. They don’t believe that they’re worth very much.

The reason they don’t believe those things is because they’ve been programmed to believe that. They’ve been programmed to believe that they’re not worth much. They’ve been programmed to believe that they have to stay mediocre all their lives. They’ve been programmed to believe that they can’t buy the big house, they have to look at other people have the big houses.

They can’t get the fancy cars because they have to look at other people get the fancy cars. They’ve been programmed to believe those things. Once a person has a certain belief, people are going to operate on those beliefs. In other words, they are going to take action based on those beliefs that they have. And the fascinating thing is that action can dramatically alter if their beliefs dramatically alter. All there is to change is beliefs. So everyone is doing what they doing because that’s what they believe they can do. That’s what they believe they should do. That’s what they believe that they’re supposed to. And the only reason they do that is they were programmed.

Now, at one point in my life, I believed, just like everyone else that, in order to be successful, you got to basically go to school, get an education, go out and work hard for someone else all your life. And maybe one day you’ll be able to retire. That’s what I believe. Since I believed that, guess what I did? I went to school, I got a good education. I went out and got a job. I did all the stuff they told me to do. But what I didn’t realise is that by doing that, you are more than likely to end up dead or dead-broke by the time I’m 65 years of age.

So what happened for me was because of putting a different input in my mind. In other words, instead of continuously listening to the people that had got me to where I was, which was not very far, I chose to listen to a different type of person. I decided to listen to the people who were producing results that I wanted to produce. And those people were telling me a drastically different message. They were telling me that I could do more than what I ever thought was possible. They were telling me I was worth more than what anyone had ever told me. They were telling me that I can produce more and can get more results than what I ever believed that I possibly could.

I chose to continue to listen to that even though if I wasn’t so sure if that was true. Because remember, I still have that belief - “Yeah right, you know, I’m supposed to go to school and get an education.” But for some reason I loved their message, I got excited about it, I wanted to believe it. And I kept listening and because I kept listening, I was allowing myself to re-programme my message that I had got. And once I started to re-enhance the quality of my belief, I started to enhance the quality of the actions that I took, I started to enhance the results that I got.

And once I started to enhance the quality of the results I got, I started to enhance the quality of the lifestyle that I live. Instead of flying around in Economy Class, I started flying around in Coach. Instead of flying around in Coach, I was flying around in First Class. Instead of having the little “basic necessity” home, I bought mansions. Instead of a mansion, I bought several mansions. Instead of having a basic car to get by, I bought the luxury vehicles. I bought the 100,000 dollar plus vehicles, the 200,000, the 300,000 and so forth based on where you are in the country.

The bottom line is: I drove the best, I live in the best. And I decided to be the best that I could be. The interesting thing is though is that I know I could be more! And that’s why I’m still learning, that’s why I’m still growing. That’s why regardless of how many millions that I make, I’m still learning. I’m still doing my best to increase the quality of my beliefs, to increase the quality of my self-esteem, to increase the quality of my confidence, to increase the quality of the results that I’m producing. And so, that’s what it all boils down to- beliefs!

With over 200,000 subscribers around the world, SkyQuestCom is Asia's largest multimedia e-learning company. SkyQuestCom offers online video seminars of the world's best personal development experts and business gurus including Anthony Robbins (Unleash The Power Within), Robert Kiyosaki (Rich Dad, Poor Dad), Brian Tracy (The Psychology of Selling), T. Harv Eker (Secrets of the Millionaire Mind), John Gray (Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus), Jay Abraham (Getting Everything You Can Out of All You've Got), Bill Gates (Microsoft), Warren Buffett (Forbes' "Richest Person in the World") and many more. To learn more about SkyQuestCom, visit

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Wednesday, June 04, 2008


SkyQuestCom's Success Blog: How to Double Your Income and Triple Your Time Off

Gerry Robert is the author of the financial best-seller, The Millionaire Mindset. He gives practical ideas and strategies to build almost any business; from home-based to multi-nationals. Among his clients include executives from IBM, Shell, MacDonald’s, HP and many more internationally renowned companies. In this month’s favourite, Gerry will teach you the same knowledge as he has taught his clients on how to improve your finances, achieve outstanding business results and maximise your time to pursue other passions. Meanwhile, here are some tips to help you grow your business in the fastest way possible:

1. Look for the right coach – Depending on the area of business you’re in, you need to pick the right type of coach who can give you the guidance you need. Business coaches specialise on issues of running a business while executive coaches aim to transform the quality of an executive’s life. Pick the best type of coach for you. Then find the coach with the experience and skills for helping you.

2. Can the coach give you the results you want? Make sure your coach has experience in your area and speaks your language. Many people jump on the coaching bandwagon. However, they’re not necessarily best at helping you to improve your working style or performance. Do your homework, read their bios, and ask about their background.

3. Is your coach willing to help you? Trust your instincts when deciding whether the coach truly understands who you are and what you need. You may want a coach with whom you have great rapport and would trust with specific details of your life. More importantly, you will want a coach who does not judge you.

4. Will you act on everything the coach tells you to do? Tell your coach what you’re going to do and when you’ll take action. Be sure to let them know what you’re doing. Always tell them when you take an action step.

To learn more tips on how to improve your finances, visit to watch a video clip of our interview with Gerry Robert.

With over 200,000 subscribers around the world, SkyQuestCom is Asia's largest multimedia e-learning company. SkyQuestCom offers online video seminars of the world's best personal development experts and business gurus including Anthony Robbins (Unleash The Power Within), Robert Kiyosaki (Rich Dad, Poor Dad), Brian Tracy (The Psychology of Selling), T. Harv Eker (Secrets of the Millionaire Mind), John Gray (Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus), Jay Abraham (Getting Everything You Can Out of All You've Got), Bill Gates (Microsoft), Warren Buffett (Forbes' "Richest Person in the World") and many more. To learn more about SkyQuestCom, visit

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