Thursday, January 31, 2008


SkyQuestCom's Success Blog: Learn How to Start an Internet Business with Ewen Chia

World Number 1 Super Affiliate Ewen Chia Ewen Chia is widely known as the “World’s #1 Super Affiliate” and his name is synonymous with internet affiliate marketing. He has taught thousands of students worldwide how to make a full-time income purely from the Internet. In this article, Ewen shares powerful tips to help you start your very own online business.

First things to learn on the Internet

With any new skill, especially on the Internet, the biggest obstacle ordinary people just like you face is the technical aspect. One of the greatest lies ever told about starting online businesses is that you need to be a programmer, or web designer to make money on the Internet.

Truth is, you only need basic skills such as registering a domain name, creating simple webpages and getting them online. Moreover, there are many affordable courses and programmes conveniently available now to teach you how to use a PC and short-cut your learning processes. There has never been a better time in history than now to kick start your very own Internet business.

As you stare at the computer screen, remember your F.A.C.E

The secret to achieving your dreams of online success lies in 4 basic elements. These 4 elements are summarised into what Ewen calls the F.A.C.E formula.


The first element is called Focus. In order to do anything well, you must have focus. The problem is that we become overloaded with too much information and get stuck with too many dreams that we become uncertain of what to do. So it is important to focus on a specific thing. Once you’ve indentified exactly what you want to do, you have to focus on that.


“A” is Action. Without focus, you can’t achieve anything. But without the action to implement the focus, you cannot get any results. And consider the Universal Law as proven by Sir Isaac Newton more than 3 centuries ago; with action, comes reaction, with every cause, there is an effect.
So each time you put action onto your focus, you will get results. It is a Universal Law.


“C” is commitment. As we get busier with daily tasks and are bombarded with too much information, commitment becomes a problem in 9 out of every 10 people. As such, with focus and action, you need to commit 100% to achieve your goals.


If you want to advance yourself and improve on what you’ve learnt, then you need to educate yourself constantly. Education is an ongoing process, it doesn’t stop for as long as you live. There are new subjects and knowledge to learn everyday. The world’s your oyster and it’s up to you to keep educating yourself to improve skills you want to achieve.

Competition heats up, a powerful formula is not enough

As are all businesses, an Internet business is real. For the uninitiated, running an online business becomes nothing more than a fruitless hobby if proper systems are not set in place. To achieve the results and success you want in the heat of competition as young as 6 (Type ‘Marina Mulac’ in Google to see what this kid is doing) and savvy marketers, you need to apply a proven system to your market and combine it with the F.A.C.E formula. A system should be broken down into 5 components. These components are based on universal marketing principles that apply to whichever business you wish to do.

Component # 1: Market
The first component is your Market. You need to identify a hot and profitable market; one that has disposable income. An example would be a market you have personal passion for. This becomes your “affinity market”. The best markets to look into would be your hobbies. For example, if you love Golf, then that becomes your affinity market.

Component #2: Offer
The second component is your Offer. When you have a market, it doesn’t mean you’re in business; you need to provide an offer to your market. If you don’t, then you’re in not business and you can forget about making money online.
For example, if you venture into the Golf market, then your offer could be a Golf e-book. You may want to market a simple Golf e-book that teaches enthusiasts and novices how to play Golf.

Component #3: Traffic
The third component is your Traffic. You need people to visit your offer. If you don’t have traffic, you don’t have a business. And there is no way to have a transaction on the market without people and customers, so you need to send traffic to your system.

Once you have an offer, you need to send people (lots of them) who are interested in your product to your website that provides valuable information. The most successful internet entrepreneurs usually offer free information as a start. If your readers find that information useful, they can visit a section on your website to purchase an e-book.

Component #4: The Backend
The fourth component is the backend (for the uninitiated, we’re not talking about the rear end of the human anatomy). In business, you don’t get rich from the front end. In other words, if you sell a $30 product, you’re not going to become a millionaire! The trick, that many successful entrepreneurs effectively use, is to set up a backend system. The concept of such a system is simple. After your customers make a $30 dollar purchase, you upsell or “upgrade” them to a higher-end purchase or higher-priced item.

For example, when somebody buys a $30 e-book, you could upgrade their purchase to a $300 DVD set or even a $3,000 personal coaching programme. And this is how you increase your income, this is how you generate multiple streams of income in any business.

It’s all at the rear.

Component #5: Duplication
The last component is Duplication. And this is the “magic key” to unlock your ability to duplicate your business and replicate an existing system to as many markets as you wish. For example, if you become successful in the Golf business and you want to start a new business in Cartoons, what you do is duplicate your existing system in the cartoon business.

You’re not going to “make a killing” selling a $30 e-book

There are 2 actions you can take immediately to apply these principles to kick start your online business.

First, resolve today that you will be pro-active. Instead of worrying about something such as the lack of technical expertise or whether you’d be successful or not, take action to start somewhere. It could be creating a blog (you can easily create one for free at or website that offers free information people might be interested in. You could even do a simple market research on Google or Yahoo to see what people are looking for online, and think about how you can create a useful product to fulfill their needs.

Second, focus your talents and energy single mindedly on the one thing that you can do that can make a greater difference than anything else. Resolve to develop the habit of single minded concentration until it is as natural to you as breathing. If research tells you it’s viable to do a business about Pets, then place focused, concentrated effort to achieve your goals in that market.

Do not divert. Keep moving forward, work smart, but still work hard and you will get ahead!

How to find out more
If you'd like to learn even more tips from Ewen Chia on how to start a successful online business, you can watch a video clip of him at

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SkyQuestCom's Success Blog: In Conversation with Bill Gates and Warren Buffett on Success

SkyQuestCom Exclusive: Bill Gates and Warren Buffett are 2 of the most outstanding business leaders of our time. Together, they share their personal experiences in an extraordinary conversation about success.

From the cover pages of Forbes to headline making news of Fortune Magazine, Bill Gates and Warren Buffett have become famous for gracing every business publication you can possibly imagine. Microsoft boss Bill Gates is often credited with the creation of the PC industry while legendary Berkshire Hathaway chairman Warren Buffett is the “World’s 2nd Richest Person” as ranked by Forbes. Gates and Buffett have different backgrounds, but they agree on one thing: You’ve got to enjoy what you’re doing to be able to see success.

Bill Gates and Warren BuffettIn 2006, the two stood before business students at the University of Washington to share their personal philosophies about success.

(The following conversation is an excerpt of SkyQuestCom's Master Channel January Highlight)

How do you define success personally?

WARREN: Well, I can certainly define happiness. Because that’s what I am. (Audience laugh) I get to do what I like to do every single day of the year and I get to do it with the people I like. I don't have to associate with someone who causes my stomach to churn. (Audience laugh) And the only thing in my job I don't like, and it only happens in about 3 or 4 years, is that occasionally I have to fire somebody. I don't like that. It is the only thing, other than that, I tap dance to work.

And I get down there, I think I am supposed to lie on my back and paint the ceiling, that’s the way I feel! It's tremendous fun. They say success is getting what you want and happiness wanting what you get. Well, I don't know which one applies in this case but I do know I wouldn't be doing anything else. I do advise you to go work for an organisation you admire, with people you admire, because it will turn you on and you ought to be happy at where you are working.

I always worry about people who say, “I’m going to do this for 10 years, even though I don't like it very well but I will do 10 more years of this.” I mean that's little like saving up sex for your old age. (Audience laugh hard) It’s not a very good idea, so get right into what you enjoy and you will be successful at it! (Audience laugh hard) You really will, you wouldn't be able to miss.

I don't regard what I do is the most important thing in the world but it's right for me. I happen to be wired in a certain way in that what I do works in this. It lasts about 10 minutes and that's true for a lot of things. But luckily I kind of stumbled on the thing I do best and it's worked out.

BILL: I find that the key point is that you’ve got to enjoy what you do everyday. For me, that's working with very smart people. It's working on new problems. You know every time we think, “Hey we have a little bit of success”, we are pretty careful not to dwell on it too much because the bar gets raised, as do people's expectations of the products. We always get customer feedback telling us that machines are too complicated, they are not natural enough.

And the competition, the breakthroughs, the research, make the field I'm in, which I think is the most exciting field there is. There's another good field- biotechnology is a good field because it is changing the world of medicine and health. But the computer industry, in particular software, I think is the most exciting. I think I have the best job in that business.

WARREN: (Quips jokingly) Don’t you think Dairy Queen is more important? (Audience laugh)

BILL : You can manage Dairy Queen. I'll go and buy the Dilly bars.

WARREN : I'm counting on it. We'll raise the price when you come. (Audience laugh and clap)

BILL : (Replies jokingly) Ok.

WARREN: I have turned down business deals that were otherwise decent deals because I don't want to deal with people I don't like to work with. I didn't see any sense pretending it and to take it on, to get involved with people who cause your stomach to churn. I say it’s a lot like marrying for money. It's probably a bad idea under any circumstances but it's absolutely crazy if you're already rich, right?

To listen to the audio of "Bill Gates and Warren Buffett on Success", visit

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Wednesday, January 30, 2008


SkyQuestCom's Success Blog: Wealth Tips from T. Harv Eker, Author of Secrets of the Millionaire Mind

T.Harv Eker, author of Secrets of the Millionaire Mind

There is a secret psychology to money. Most people don’t know about it, that’s why most people never become financially successful. A lack of money is not the problem, it is merely a symptom of what goes on inside you. Take this chance start 2008 with a clean slate and resolve to hit the financial targets you missed last year. T. Harv Eker, author of the #1 bestseller "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind" shares 10 powerful tips to help you achieve those targets:

Tip #1: Your money zone is your comfort zone

To expand your money zone, you must first change your mindset to win the money game.

Tip#2: Financial Freedom is a proven formula
Despite all the hype about Financial Freedom, it is nothing more than just a simple formula: Working Income + Savings + Investments + Passive Income

Tip#3: Don’t keep all your eggs in 1 basket
Separate your income into different accounts for specific purposes.

Tip#4: “Always Pay Yourself First”
Make creating passive income streams, managing and investing money your part-time business.

Tip #5: Self-affirmation is the key to your success
Make a declaration by touching your heart with one hand, then with the other hand, point to your head and say, “I have a millionaire mind!”

Tip #6: Your physical world is a printout of your mental, emotional and spiritual worlds combined
To permanently change your outer world, you must first change your inner world (your thoughts).

Tip #7: The Process of Manifestion
Positive results are achieved through this process: Thoughts -> Feelings -> Actions = Results

Tip #8: Re-condition your mindset in 3 ways

1. Verbal Programming- Visualise success and tell yourself repeatedly you have the ability to achieve your goals.

2. Modelling – Model yourself after the success of rich people and resolve to be like them.

3. Specific Incidents – Recall a particular event in your life that inspires you to become rich.

Tip #9: Define your purpose
Your motivation for money should be based on purpose and joy as opposed to fear, anger or proving yourself.

Tip #10: Set a rule
Always remember, “I rule money. Money doesn't rule me!”

To watch a video clip of T. Harv Eker's seminar, visit

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Thursday, January 24, 2008


SkyQuestCom's Success Blog: China's Internet users to surpass that of USA's

According to a recent report in the Wall Street Journal, the state-owned China Internet Network Information Center has released figures on internet users in China. China’s total number of Internet users rose 53% to 210 million at the end of 2007 up from 137 million at the end of 2006 and 162 million in June 2007. They are only 5 million users short of the USA and it is predicted that within coming months, they will exceed the number of users in the USA. More details can be found at the Wall Street Journal.

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SkyQuestCom's Success Blog: The Inspiring Story of a Bamboo Tree

The inspiring story of the Bamboo tree is much like Life itself - you have to have faith, belief and persistence. It also is a story of stability, structure, and maturity.In becoming a successful entrepreneur, growing company, or even growing as a person, remember to always be watering your tree, planting roots, and building your foundation. With persistence, rewards will follow! Never give up!

If you loved this video, also visit for more inspirational Flash movies and downloadable screensavers. Send them to your friends or loved ones (could be your spouse or just that special someone whom you really care for) and brighten their day :-)



Wednesday, January 23, 2008


SkyQuestCom's Success Blog: The Secret About Robert Kiyosaki and Anthony Robbins

What does a cat named "Sweety" have anything to do with a "Rich Dad, Poor Dad"? What lessons can we learn from Anthony Robbins' "love affair" with fruit juices?

Take a rare, sneak peak into the personal lives of Robert Kiyosaki and Anthony Robbins as SkyQuestCom CEO Mr. Richard Tan shares his learning experiences from 2 of the world's most successful and famous speakers.

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SkyQuestCom's Success Blog: Pay It Forward- A charity campaign that brings love, help & hope for India's HIV/AIDS orphans

SkyQuestCom encourages their worldwide family members to bless lives in every way and have started a charity campaign called “Pay It Forward”. The term originates from the principle that when somebody does something good for you, you would want do the same by paying it forward to others. Essentially, every SkyQuestCom member is encouraged proactively reach out to help others with absolutely no strings attached.

To do so, SkyQuestCom has adopted “Shelter”, a charitable home for orphans ravaged by HIV/AIDS. SkyQuestCom, as a family, encourages its members to not only help the home financially, but to show support with personal visits.

Watch this emotion-filled video of the kids:

By contributing to SkyQuestCom's "Pay It Forward" campaign, you are providing a family atmosphere where these HIV-positive children can get love, laughter and are provided a quality life so that as long as they live, they have a happy and peaceful home.

Help to bring smiles to these children's faces by contributing to these very needy children who cannot help themselves. What may seem like a small amount to you can make a big difference to the lives of these kids!

100% of all proceeds go to the Shelter charitable home for HIV/AIDS orphans. A donation takes less than a minute. If you'd like to make a contribution, drop by at this website:



Tuesday, January 22, 2008


India's Recognition Nite makes SkyQuestCom history with over 8,500 delegates celebrating the accomplishments of its top leaders

Record Breaking For the first time in SkyQuestCom history, Recognition Nite attracted over 8,500 participants who have come together to celebrate as one gigantic family.

The Beatles sang, “Well, shake it up, baby, now! Twist and shout!” Like the famous song, more than 8,500 delegates partied away at SkyQuestCom’s Recognition Nite, a mega event that was sponsored by India ’s TV and radio broadcasting giants TVK, BIG FM and RAJ TV. This high-energy extravaganza is the amazing result of the organisers’ determination to bring the excitement of an International Rally for the first time in India with style.Recognition Nite shattered records in terms of the number of people in a rally, making headlines by being the BIGGEST rally ever in SkyQuestCom’s history!

Glorious Moment India’s top leaders being acknowledged for their success on stage.

SkyQuestCom family members from around the world unite for close to 3 hours of celebration under the stars. The atmosphere was electrifying as more than 8,500 people packed Chennai's Wesley Grounds in Royapettah to catch a glimpse of the celebrity performers and sporty new cars that were given away.

The real stars were undoubtedly SkyQuestCom’s top Indian leaders who shone brightly on stage under the golden rays of spotlights. It was a grand moment for all the different ranks of distributors who were invited on stage to collect their certificates in recognition of their outstanding business performance. The crowd went totally wild when they saw for their own eyes the incredible earnings the top product distributors had achieved in under a year. Many were fully motivated to be the next to achieve such an income. What made it even more meaningful for the achievers was that they were able to be acknowledged for their success on stage in witness of their families, prospects and down lines.

Financial Freedom Mr. Richard Tan presents India’s top leader Suren with a BIG cheque of Rs. 25, 66,564.

In addition, attractive incentives including free Bali trips and cars were also given away, much to the delight of the roaring crowd who went wild once again! In total, there were 56 incentive winners and 71 distributors advanced in SkyQuestCom’s highest levels of leadership.

Turbo-charged Proud winners of SkyQuestCom’s Car Incentive.

For those who hadn’t won a car, actual cars were on display for them to see, feel and sit inside to motivate themselves to be the next to drive these cars away. In one memorable segment, Richard presented a big cheque to the Shelter home for HIV/AIDS orphans. This was part of the Pay It Forward charity campaign which was the collective effort of SkyQuestCom’s product distributors worldwide. SkyQuestCom, as a family, encourages its members to not only help Shelter financially, but to show support with personal visits.

For the Kids Donations totalling Rs. 3,50,000 poured in from the “Pay It Forward” charity campaign. The man on the left is Mr. Solomon, founder of the Shelter charity home for HIV/AIDS orphans.

The crowd was treated to a live musical performance by orchestral maestros Laskhman Sruthi. The crowd was enthralled when popular Indian singers Mano, Anuradha Sriram, Ranjith and Malathy passionately sang a medley of high-energy songs and danced to vibrant Bollywood music in colourful costumes. This certainly helped to get everyone in the spirit as they joined in the dance, including the Japanese guests who had won an incentive trip to the rally.

Class Act India’s top DJ, Yoyo entertains the crowd.

As the crowd continued to sing and dance the night away, many had already made a resolution to see themselves on stage at the next rally. The rally not only brought the SkyQuestCom family closer together, but it marked a celebration of the multi-cultural world we live in. It is a fantastic feeling to see people of all races and backgrounds clap their hands, sing and dance together along the aisles as one gigantic family. There was a show of respect and appreciation that extended beyond cultural differences which unified everyone that evening.

Multi-cultural Guests from India and Japan dance and sing together in a display of racial harmony and respect for each other’s cultures.

If you missed Recognition Nite, it is not too late to apply for the International Rally incentive that is currently running to have a taste of the whole excitement. The rally will be held in Kuala Lumpur , Malaysia early this year and promises to be another event to dream about for the rest of your life!

Rare Treat In a grand finale, a dazzling visual display of red and gold illuminates the vast Indian night sky.

We can’t wait!

Click here to see even more exciting images from Recognition Nite 2008!

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Thursday, January 10, 2008


SkyQuestCom's Success Blog: Inspirational Story of the Wright Brothers

An inspiring story based on the Wright Brothers. Armed with nothing more than a high school education, they rose above all obstacles and achieved the impossible.

Be inspired by this lesson about attaining success even if the odds are against you!

If you loved this video, also visit SkyQuestCom's Inspiration Junction when you need a smile :)



Wednesday, January 09, 2008


SkyQuestCom's Success Blog: Brian Tracy reveals powerful success secrets to get your personal goals faster

From Brian Tracy, "The World's Leading Authority in Business".

To watch the full 45-minute video from Brian Tracy, drop by at There are also more video seminars of the world's best success trainers including Tony Robbins: "World #1 Success Coach", John Gray: author of Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus, Robert Kiyosaki: bestselling author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad, T. Harv Eker: Millionaire Mind Intensive and many more experts to help you excel not only in your career, but in life!

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Monday, January 07, 2008


SkyQuestCom's Success Blog: Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus

According to John Gray, author of the famous relationship guide Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus, the similarities between men and women are far greater than the differences.

His approach is to identify the differences that exist for many people. They don't show up for everybody but they show up for many people . When that happens, John prefers a positive method of interpreting them so that the people involved don't feel threatened by them.

He believes that there is an inherent gender difference that is born into everyone. He calls it "a function of testosterone", which can be measured in people's physiology. The bottom line is that this is what humans are born into- muscles and testosterone that go together and testosterone goes together with a whole set of attitudes. It also goes together with a whole set of stress reactions and determines how people cope with stress.

John explains that the basic bottom line of relationships is that people deal with conflict and stress differently. For example, women have different hormones that affect their experience of stress, their experience of intimacy, and their experience of purpose in life.

Emotional Differences Between Men and Women

The main difference between men and women is that women explore issues in greater detail before forming an opinion. Men form opinions immediately and therefore women assume men are narrow-minded or rigid, when in actual fact, they're not. John also explains that they'll form an opinion very quickly but also be able to quickly change that opinion if given new information. So that's another way men and women process information differently.

Men tend to make snap judgments and they'll change them just as quickly. In comparison, a woman tend to take a longer time to form her opinion and once it's formed, it tends to be more rigid, more stable and based upon a lot more information. So a man might be thinking in his marriage, "I want a divorce." And the next day he will change his mind. But when a woman says she wants a divorce, it's generally based on years of build-up and usually she won't change her mind right away.

How to Deal With Conflicts

When in conflict, John suggests to solve the problem and avoid it in the future. What women want is someone who will empathize with her point of view, trusting and respecting that she can it through on her own. This creates lots of problems. The same principle applies for men. They are going to have to learn a lot of things on their own and if women keep telling them what to do. Men will just resist hearing that message.

This is where conflicts often develop, says John. Men tend to be overly analytical in trying to solve problems and women tend to offer unsolicited advice to men. What both have to do is to have a greater respect for each other to be able to listen to each other.

How to Enjoy Freedom While Being in a Relationship

John advocates the need to have separate time even when one is in a happy, committed relationship. Otherwise, a relationship won't be healthy. He stresses that men need time to be with their make friends, shooting pool or going to the movies or doing what they like to do. That is very healthy and if they don't do it, it will threaten their romantic relationship with their female partners. Women have to realize that. If women want their male partners to be passionately attracted to them, they need to let the men pull away. This will stimulate their testosterone, thereby missing their female partners. And this, John says, is the key to bring good energy back to a relationship.

To watch a video clip of John Gray's relationship seminars, please visit

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Friday, January 04, 2008


SkyQuestCom's Success Blog: 200 Online Video Seminars from World Class Speakers

SkyQuestCom offers 200 online video seminars from the world’s best speakers. The video seminars are offered in nine learning channels, three of which are in Japanese, Chinese and Hindi. For a nominal fee, subscribers can enjoy an unlimited access to SkyQuestCom’s educational content for a whole year.

Learn from Anthony Robbins, Brian Tracy, Robert Kiyosaki and other world class motivational speakers
Its internationally renowned speakers include Anthony Robbins: the world’s number one success coach, Brian Tracy: America’s leading business authority, Robert Kiyosaki: Rich Dad Poor Dad bestselling author and many other big names in professional and personal development.

Just like attending seminars of the world's best experts...but at a fraction of the cost

By leveraging on the enormous power and reach of the Internet, subscribers can affordably learn from the world’s most successful gurus at any time, at any pace, in any place. Normally, to attend a half-day seminar of somebody famous would cost between US$300 to US$500, but as a key competitive advantage, SkyQuestCom offers its subscribers 200 online seminars at only US$250. These lessons are designed to optimise their learning experiences and reinforce positive change and growth to achieve greater success in every area of life. And the fastest way to be the best is to learn from the best!

Learn the secrets to achieve all-round success in life, love, business and finances. Visit

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