Friday, February 29, 2008
SkyQuestCom's Success Blog: How to Start a Successful Business - A Beginner's Guide Part 2 of 3
What is Your Unique Selling Point?
Find a Difference: Unique Selling Point (USP) is the heartbeat to the success of most products.
The USP of your product can be a difference in character, quality, speed or pioneering status. If you cannot find a USP, you need to find a strong character that your product has and then “scream louder” than your competitors.
How Best to Manage People and Systems?
A. How Best to Manage People?
Be it your Staff, Partners, Associates or Customers.
The key to dealing with people, internally or externally, is to build your credibility.
Pay peanuts and you get monkeys: Hire the best. Invest in good people.
Firing People: Do not hesitate to dismiss anyone for the best of your company. The key however, is to do it with consideration for the person.
Set the Culture: Provide directions and guide the staff in their daily operations to ensure the success of the company. Communicate and reinforce these values.
Develop A Team: Equip your people with new knowledge. Training is therefore important. Always encourage teamwork among frontline and support staff.
Choose partners with the right mindset, expectations and same values.
Respect and treat your suppliers well and they will give you their utmost support. It is important to your long term planning.
Customers Are Not Always Right: When the customers keep stretching the privilege given to them, it is necessary to take a stand.
It is crucial to honour your promises to your customers. It builds your credibility.
B. How Best to Manage Systems?
Be it reporting or administration, a good information system allows a company to run efficiently, reducing the reliance on any one individual staff.
One way of systemising is to have reports. Good reports show the heartbeat of the company and help you to analyse, plan, take action and monitor the business. They should be timely.
Administration contributes greatly to the productivity of the company. Do not wait for your company to grow too big to start systemising your administration. Do it right from the beginning.
To avoid costly down time, set up systems for circulation and filing of documents and backup your computerised management information system.
You can learn even more business strategies and secrets from internationally renowned business experts including Jay Abraham, Brian Tracy, Keith Cunningham, Tony Alessandra, Gerald Bradley and many others at
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Labels: Business, Business Marketing, Business Tips, Internet Business, Marketing, Small Business, Start Business, Success, Success Blog