Sunday, March 09, 2008


SkyQuestCom's Success Blog: Interview with Internet Marketing Pioneer, Mark Joyner on Simpleology, the Simple Science of Getting What You Want!

Interview with Internet Marketing pioneer Mark Joyner on the 5 laws of Simpleology
SkyQuestCom Exclusive: You may not know the name Mark Joyner, but he is one of the early pioneers of Internet Marketing. Without Mark, without his inventions, many Internet technologies that are familiar to us today including ad tracking and e-books would almost certainly not exist. He is also the #1 bestselling author of the book, Simpleology: The Simple Science of Getting What You Want. Recently, Mark took some time out of his day to share with us some of the most insightful ideas you’ll ever hear on success.

(The following conversation is an excerpt from SkyQuestCom's new 40-minute Personal Development Channel video)

Welcome everyone. Today we're priviledged to have with us Mark Joyner. I understand you've written a book called Simpleology: The Simple Science of Getting What You Want. What is Simpleology?

Mark: Simpleology the book is the simple science of getting what you want. And we all go through life and we have certain things that we want. And there’s this gap between where we are right now and that thing that we want, what ever it is. And Simpleology is about the simple things you need to do to make those things become a reality for you.

Could you tell us a little bit on how it was developed?

Mark: I used to do a lot of consultation for people. People call me up and pay me $2,000 an hour for marketing ideas and what I’ve found invariably was they didn’t need any new marketing ideas. They had plenty of great marketing ideas so I can’t have someone come and pay me $2,000 for more of what they already got. So what I ended up doing with most of these guys was showing what they really needed to figure out how to sort out their lives, because these guys had great ideas, but they’d wake up in the morning and email would dictate their day. I’m sure we can all relate to this; you wake up and you got a whole bunch of things you want to do in mind, then all these emails come in and those emails control you, they control your day. So over time I developed a number of systems and tools to help these people out.

I've heard the “5 Laws of Simpleology” have actually been around for a long time. What is your unique take or what is it that makes this a unique programme?

Mark: Well, the 5 laws, with the exception of the fifth law, or things we all know intuitively, have not been written down in any particular way. For example, the first law being the “Law of Straight Lines”. We know that the shortest path between any 2 points is a straight line. This is something we feel in our bones, but do we actually live it? Do we actually do that every single day? Do we wake up every morning and walk the straightest path to the things we want? The answer for most of us is no. But it’s different for Simpleology, one of the things that’s different about it, is it will actually ensure that you to use these ideas. So it’s not about learning stuff and dumping information in your head. It’s actually about integrating these ideas into your life.

Visit to watch a video clip of Mark Joyner's full-length interview. He reveals the 5 laws of Simpleology that have helped the world's most successful people amass fortunes and forge new paths.

You’ll learn how to:

• Apply Simpleology’s 5 laws to achieve greater success in your life and career
• See your day with instant clarity
• Focus instantly on what´s important
• Clear your brain of clutter and distraction
• Design the future and life of your dreams
• Plus much more!

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