Wednesday, March 12, 2008
SkyQuestCom's Success Blog: The Secret to Business Success is a Strong Unique Selling Point
The term “USP” was first coined by Rosser Reeves, an American Advertising Executive and early pioneer of television advertising. A “Unique Selling Point” (also called “Unique Selling Proposition”) is the heartbeat to the success of most products.
The USP of your product can be a difference in character, quality, speed or pioneering status. If you cannot find a USP, you need to find a strong character that your product has and then “scream louder” than your competitors.
It’s a common misconception among some businesses that expect USP to “act like a seller”. That is not correct. For example, if a pizza store’s signboard says, “We provide delicious pizzas made from the best ingredients. We also offer home delivery”, it wouldn’t be as effective as one that says, “Mouthwatering oven-baked pizzas made from specially-imported select ingredients from Italy. We deliver them to you fresh everyday right at your doorstep, in just 30 minutes. Guaranteed!”
What it means is that it is crucial that you think in the customer’s point of view when developing the USP for your business. The “What’s-In-It-For-Me?” principle applies here. Your USP should include the most important benefits to a customer. Customers don’t really care about your product, they only care if it works for them. Not all customers will buy your product, so you need to focus on specific customers who are your greatest income makers (your target market) and then send your message (USP) across to them. This increases the chances of you making a successful sale.
Here are some excellent examples of good USPs cast in simple taglines:
- - “Earth’s biggest book store” (Rich variety and Choice)
- MacDonald’s - “I’m lovin’ it” (Experience and Taste)
- Tiger Beer – “Good as gold around the world” (Taste and Superior Quality)
Developing the USP for Your Business
Here are some questions that a USP should answer:
- What problem does your product/service solve?
- What makes you unique, better or more desirable than other competition?
- Why should the customer buy from you?
Based upon those questions, it is obvious that uniqueness is the key to offering something valuable to your customers. Developing your product or customizing your service around this uniqueness will compel your customers to choose your product/service over your competitors. And remember, Business is survival of the fittest!
So always ask yourself, "In what ways do I bring UNIQUE value to my customers?"
Then craft the USP that works for you and your business.
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Labels: Business, Business Marketing, Business Tips, Personal Development, Personal Growth, Sales, Sales Techniques, self-help, Success Blog, USP