Sunday, March 23, 2008
SkyQuestCom's Success Blog: Dolf de Roos' How to Make Money from the Property Market
Everyday, someone else becomes a millionaire by investing in property. How would you like to know how to do the same thing yourself? In this article, Robert Kiyosaki’s Rich Dad real estate advisor Dolf de Roos shares his expert insights on why Property is the wise investor’s weapon of choice today.
Facts about Property
- The rich make more money through property investment than any other investment such as stocks and shares.
- Property that was worth $5,000 thirty years ago would be worth around $200,000 today.
- Stocks and shares can be volatile, but property is proven to be an extremely stable investment.
Why invest in Property?
- No investment today offers the stability, simplicity and excellent rewards of property investment.
- It is a well documented fact that the value of a property doubles every 7 years.
- Your rental income will partially finance your investment.
- You can add greater value to your property by making alterations to it such as doing a home makeover and replacing old furniture with modern looking designs
Frequently asked questions about Property and their answers
How much property can I buy with $100,000?
Due to mortgage, it is relatively easy to buy $1 million worth of real estate with only $100,000 in cash. However, if you invest in stocks, you may only buy $100,000 worth of stocks with $100,000 worth of cash.
How do I pay the interests?
If you own an asset that is generating a regular rental income, the rental income will partially cover your mortgage.
How much is my property worth on the day I buy it at $1 million?
The value at which your property is worth is based on the market value. However, it could possibly be worth $650,000 or $1.5 million. In contrast, if you buy stocks at $100,000, they are worth exactly $100,000. Bottom line is, a piece of property could be worth a lot more than what you initially invested.
For more information on how to make your fortune in property investment, visit to watch a clip of Dolf de Roos’ online video seminar, “How to Make Money from the Property Market”. Dolf de Roos’ is the author of the New York Times bestseller, Real Estate Riches: How to Become Rich Using Your Banker’s Money. Today, he is the Chairman of Property Ventures Limited, an innovative real estate investment company.
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Labels: dolf de roos, how to invest in real estate, investment properties for beginners, investment property, Real Estate, real estate investment, real estate market, rich dad education, Rich Dad Poor Dad