Friday, April 04, 2008
SkyQuestCom's Success Blog: In Conversation with Tung Desem Warangin- Unleash Your Power to Attract the Success You Want in Life!
Tung Desem Waranging is Indonesia ’s top motivational coach whose clients include the children of Indonesia ’s former President, top celebrities, successful business executives and even tertiary graduates. As a qualified consultant who is recognised by world renowned peak performance coach Anthony Robbins, Tung has made successful breakthroughs with clients whom he inspire to lead healthier lives, live confidently and more importantly, achieve success. He is also the author of the hugely popular book, Financial Revolution, which sold over 10,000 copies in a single day. The affable “Pak Tung”, as he is affectionately known, recently stopped by at SkyQuestCom’s Singapore office to share his insights on some of Anthony Robbins’ most powerful success principles and how you can apply them to turn your life completely around.
(The following conversation is an excerpt from your new Personal Development Channel video.)
SkyQuestCom: Today we’re privileged to have with us Tung Desem Waringin. I understand your success began with a motivational talk you attended. Can you tell us more about this talk and how it changed your life?
Tung: Yes. In the year 2001, I attended the Tony Robbins seminars. When I attended the Tony Robbins seminars, I know how to handle my emotions, because one thing that’s stopping most people from achieving their goals is Fear. If you cannot conquer your fear, you achieve nothing. When I learnt from Tony Robbins how to conquer my fear, I can achieve my wildest dreams and my wildest goals in my life.
SkyQuestCom: What are some of your values you see as important to your success?
Tung: Yes. My values are first, Wisdom. I’m always looking for wisdom. Secondly, I’m looking for health. Third thing, my value is Harmony and Family. Fourth thing, my value is Wealth; becoming rich. Really, really rich, not only just rich (smiles with conviction). Number five is Cheerfulness; Happy. Cheerfulness. These are my five values with all the rank.
SkyQuestCom: You’ve gone from almost nothing to being very, very successful in just 5years. What were some of the key decisions, the key turning points that brought you to success?
Tung: My key decision in the year 1995, when I decided to subscribe to Book Vision Summaries. Every month, I must pay a sum of money and I receive eight book summaries. One of them was Awaken the Giant Within by Tony Robbins. And in the year 1996, I bought the book, English version, even at that time, I cannot (pauses), my English is not good. Now it’s still not good but I have the confidence. But at that time, I had no confidence, but I still buy English book. The price was very high for Indonesian people. But I read it with all the determination that I must finish it. So, full 2 months I finished all these English books. And I learnt something- that our mind is only looking for pleasure and avoiding pain. When I learnt this from Tony Robbins’ book, Awaken the Giant Within, at that time I become the branch manager in one of Indonesia’s biggest banks and I became one of the best branch managers. I achieved so much because I know how to move people with the pain and pleasure. This is so beautiful. If you master this, you’ll master your life. If you cannot master this pain and pleasure, your life will master you! So you’ll not master your life. So this is beautiful. I can change the audit results in Surabaya that time, from the worst become the best. And in the Malang branch, from the worst to become the best too. And I can move people very good so I know this (concept) is a very good one. So that’s the second decision that changed my life.
The third decision, when my father became ill. We sent him to the hospital and my father was really, really ill. He was all yellow and spent 19 days in the hospital. Do nothing and doctors gave up. At that time, I decided to bring my father to Singapore. When I decided to bring him to Singapore, I waited with my father 40 days in Mount Elizabeth Hospital. I decided to buy Tony Robbins’ cassettes. They were Personal Power cassettes. Personal Power cassettes. There were 24 cassettes. When I heard the first cassette, I already decided that I must step up, set another standard. And I will move better than before. So I decided to quit, not resign- but I sign another thing that’s better, right? So people always say “resign”, so retreat. No, I don’t retreat, I just move forward. So step forward. What happened? When I decided to move forward, I moved to another company that paid me better. Four times better! Really, four times better! But that was the third decision- I bought the cassettes. When I heard the cassettes, already changed my life.
And the fourth decision that changed my life, when I decided to attend the Tony Robbins seminars. When the next year in 2001, I decided to attend the Tony Robbins seminars, that time was the worst time of my life. I don’t have money, I don’t have job. I quit my job. My wife just gave birth to my second child. My daughter. I had no income and my father went to hospital again. So with all the obstacles. Even I cannot speak English, I cannot hear English properly at that time. My English is not as good now. But I decided, yes, I must attend the Tony Robbins seminars. When I attended the first Tony Robbins seminar, I decided to attend the next seminar. All the seminars I take. Even I must sell. This is the hardest decision that I take. I must sell the only property that I have. I don’t even have house, I sell my only land. And still not enough, and I borrow money, five thousand U.S dollars. After that, I attended the Tony Robbins seminar, “Life Mastery” in Hawaii. In the year 2001, on 11th September. You still remember what happened? Yes, 911. World Trade Centre crashed by (pauses). That day really changed my life. Because Tony Robbins says, “In this life, whatever happens is no meaning. The only meaning is the one that we give! So if you give wrong meaning, you will take wrong answer. When you give wrong meaning, it means you will have wrong feeling. And if you have wrong feeling, you will have wrong decision. And if you have wrong decision, it means you will have wrong action. If you have wrong action, you will have wrong results, or wrong destiny.”
To watch a clip of Pak Tung's recorded conversation, visit
With over 200,000 subscribers around the world, SkyQuestCom is Asia's largest multimedia e-learning company. SkyQuestCom offers online video seminars of the world's best personal development experts and business gurus including Anthony Robbins (Unleash The Power Within), Robert Kiyosaki (Rich Dad, Poor Dad), Brian Tracy (The Psychology of Selling), T. Harv Eker (Secrets of the Millionaire Mind), John Gray (Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus), Jay Abraham (Getting Everything You Can Out of All You've Got), Bill Gates (Microsoft), Warren Buffett (Forbes' "Second Richest Person in the World") and many more. To learn more about SkyQuestCom, visit
Labels: Anthony Robbins, Interview, Online Education, online seminars, Personal Development, Personal Growth, self help, Success, Success Blog, success secrets, tony robbins, tung desem warangin