Sunday, February 15, 2009
SkyQuestCom's Success Blog: Global Managers' Summit 2009
From Miss World Ashwarya Rai to World #1 Snooker Player Pankaj Advani, the bustling IT state has produced a string of champions in nearly every area you can think of.
Perhaps that’s why it is befitting that Bangalore was chosen as the host venue of the Global Managers’ Summit, an intense 2-day training for SkyQuestCom’s very own champions!
Leaders and IDs from all over India converged at the Hotel Park Residency, whose walls bore witness to the powerful transformations that unfolded in those incredible 2 days.
Through a series of games and activities, participants learnt skills in the areas of Leadership and Entrepreneurial Knowledge. More importantly, they were instilled with a set of principles that made them realise how important it is to step up to the next level and take charge of their own businesses.
As popularised by the movie The Secret, audiences around the world were taught how to create a Vision Board, a powerful tool that helped to attract success by using the power of visualisation and affirmations.
This is where dreams are being made.
Participants creating their Vision Boards.
In the “Dream Building” segment of the training, participants created their own Vision Boards by cutting out pictures depicting their goals and dreams they had to glue in the form of a collage on a board. Some participants put up colourful images of their perfect homes, while others proudly “showed off” their dream cars and so on. They were later encouraged to hang their completed boards in a strategic location in their rooms so they can see it every day. This simple exercise focuses their goals in front of their eyes and activates the Law of Attraction to begin manifesting dreams into reality. The participants were also urged to repeat positive self-affirmations everyday and write their goals at specific times when the subconscious mind is at its strongest - after waking up and before going to bed.
The training ended with an incredible activity where everyone was given a stack of bricks that they were challenged to break in half. Originally developed as an ice-breaker game for building rapport, the “Brick-Breaking” activity has since been used by corporate coaches to motivate and train workforces. In the context of doing business, we’ve used the activity to inspire the participants to smash past the self-limiting beliefs and negative mindsets that may be standing in their way of success. Although the challenge may not go down in the records of the Guinness Book, it will certainly remain etched in their memories forever!
So our REAL challenge to you now is, “Are you willing to take action to do it?”
We are all ready to soar to greater heights…are you?
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Labels: bangalore, building champions, Business, business training, glonal managers summit, India, law of attraction, leadership, The Secret, vision boards